Friday, January 10, 2003
Been thinking about Blair in response to a comment John Isbell posted in response to this post from me. What's interesting is that Blair seems to be supported in his actions by none other then Bill Clinton! Now, Clinton doesn't actually supports what Bush is doing. But Clinton realizes that Bush is a dangerous man who would be even more dangerous if he were entirely cut off from any western support. Thus he has asked his good friend Tony Blair to stay close to Bush in the hope that he will be able to moderate Bush's more war-like tendencies. Would Bush have gone to the UN if Blair had not been keeping in close conversation with him? Witness the recent reports that Blair is asking Bush to hold off on Iraq until the fall. If this is the case then Blair is playing an important sacrificial role in international diplomacy: he is allowing his reputation to be hurt by his association with an idiot because to do otherwise might put the whole world in even more danger then it currently is.
For once Gephardt seems to get the simple truth that the way to increase the chances that opposition will stumble is to throw rocks in their path.
- WASHINGTON (AP) - In an apparent attempt to press the issue of race, two Missouri Democrats are asking President Bush to renominate the black judge who was the key witness for the opposition during Attorney General John Ashcroft's confirmation hearings.
- ...
- "In light of this and your party's efforts to repair its image on race relations, we urge you to reconsider Judge White's nomination to the federal bench," Gephardt and Clay wrote in a letter they released Friday. "Such action would be entirely consistent with your stated goal of realizing the promise of America for all our citizens, regardless of race."
Thursday, January 09, 2003
Just had another thought on why Bush re-nominated Pickering. They may be expecting that the fight for his nomination will be intense and that, as a consequence, the Democrats won't have any energy left over to fight any other nomination he makes, such as the one for Priscilla Owens.
Lou Dubose, co-author with Molly Ivins of the book Shrub : The Short but Happy Political Life of George W. Bush has a new book out...

&c speculates as to why Bush would renominate Pickering. They make some good suggestions, but I would like to make another: Bush did it because people were saying that he wouldn't be able to get him through without some serious damage. You see, Bush is nothing if not consistent when it comes to people questioning his will to follow through. It's almost a point of faith with the guy that, once he says he is going to do something, then by God he is going to do it, especially if a bunch of namby-pamby wimps in the media say he can't. That's muscular leadership for you. (Hmmm, I wonder if there might be some clever way to use this in a bit of reverse-psychology?)
Robert Kuttner on the GOP's spin point about double-taxation:
- But why special treatment for dividends? Workers pay income tax on wages and salaries, and then they pay sales tax at the store and property taxes on their homes and excise taxes on tickets - all on spending from earnings that have already been taxed once.
Score another great foreign policy achievement for the Bush administration!
- N. Korea pulls out of nuclear treaty
- SEOUL, South Korea (CNN) -- North Korea has announced its withdrawal from the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, according to the official North Korean news agency monitored in Seoul.
Going on TV Over Scandal, Sharon Gets Yanked Off Air Apparently Israel has a law against "electioneering" on the public airwaves in the days leading up to an election. When Sharon went on the air to try and fight back against the charges being leveled against him an Israeli judge ruled that he was violating this law and the signal was cut. Even given the obvious conflicts such a law would have in the United States with respect to the 1st amendment, I can't help but think it would be nice if we had something similar here.
The emperor really doesn't have any clothes! (click picture to find out more)

Kos gives us a mantra: "Bush is beatable" I agree. I'm just not sure that any of the current crop of giant killers is up to the task.
So, what is an administration to do when it spent two years putting down the Clinton approach to Korea only to have the whole thing blow up in their face? How about getting a Clintonite to fix the problem?
Mary Landrieu: "Unfortunately, the president's package is very short on stimulus," ... Me Ow! (link leads to Salon premium article, sorry)
Charles Pickering and the Mississippi Sovereignty Commission. (written before his nomination was first rejected) A Bob Herbert column from around that same time on the same subject. And, just FYI, even some conservatives were unhappy with the Pickering nomination as well.
Another I-Wish-I-Was-A-Decent-Artist-So-I-Could-Draw-This moment #212 Scene: a city street with a back alley. Actors: (1) a wealthy FatCat (fat, tux, top-hat, fat, cigar in mouth, fat, dollar-bill cufflinks, fat) walks past (2) George W. Bush, leaning against the alley entrance, dressed like a hooker. George to FatCat: "Care for a stimulus plan big boy?"
There are hopeful signs that Bush's stimulus (bzzzz) package might already be in trouble. But I can remember similar things happening with other major Bush policy initiatives. When faced with real opposition that might actually derail a proposal, Dubya will compromise just enough to get it passed and will then pretend that he never compromised at all and got everything he wanted. If the Democrats and a few moderate Republicans do manage to seriously alter the Bush plan the Dems better be prepared to seize the rhetorical advantage and keep Dubya from playing his typical "I won I won I won" trick.
Is our "good friend" Tony Blair finally starting to balk at his close association with Bush?
Hendrik Hertzberg has a nice article in The New Yorker summarizing the Korean situation: how we got here and what we are up against now.
Advice to Democrats regarding the Pickering fight: don't make an issue of Bush's own racial feelings. If you do you will lose. Bush and Rove know this and will try their damndest to lead you into that trap. The point of this fight is not Bush's racial disposition. You will have a hard time convincing many people that he is racist or bigotted. The point of this fight is to show that the GOP pays lip-service to civil rights while, at the same time, offering a safe-haven to the cockroach contingent. The Pickering nomination is nothing more than a sop to sheetheads and proves that the southern strategy is alive and well. Remember, the reason the GOP was so quick to jettison Lott was not because they feared he would jeaopardize their standing with blacks. Rove and Bush are smart enough to know that their standing with that constituency is about as bad as it has ever been for the Republican Party. No, what the Republicans are afraid of is that the middle-class, white, suburbanite contingent of the Undecideds will recoil at anything associated with the sheetheads and will start looking around for a more comfortable alternative. The Democrats have to (1) make it clear that southern strategy is alive and well and that the Pickering nomination proves this and that (2) the Democrats can provide a more comfortable fit. To repeat: the issue is not Bush. The issue is the continuing strategy of behind-the-scenes appeals to the cockroaches. Turn on the lights and watch them scatter!
Dana Milbank and The Note both bring up essentially the same point I made in my previous post:
- "When Bush won the disputed presidential election while losing the popular vote," Milbank reminds us, "expectations in both parties were that his $1.6 trillion tax cut was dead on arrival. But Bush demanded it all � and got 85 percent of it."
- "When world opinion this summer appeared inalterably opposed to Bush's view on Iraq, Bush demanded U.N. Security Council support � and got it unanimously, with few concessions."
- "With history working against him and political sages saying he had no 'coattails,' Bush plunged himself and his reputation into the midterm congressional elections � and scored an unexpected victory."
- "Democrats warn that Bush's in-your-face tactic ultimately will backfire � But that has not happened, and Bush aides say there is no such danger."
After the 2000 election fiasco a lot of pundit breath was wasted on claims that Bush would have to run a coalition government because of the narrowness of his "victory". Bush, instead, ran his administration as if he had won the greatest landslide in American history. He got most of what he wanted. After the Trent Lott fiasco a lot of pundit breath was wasted on claims that Bush would have to work hard to overcome the image of the GOP being a safe haven for sheetheads and sheethead sympathizers. Bush, instead, has re-nominated Charles Pickering as if his questionable civil-rights record has nothing to do with what the GOP stands for. Will Bush again get most of what he wants? Will the media evern learn? Will the Democrats ever grown a spine? Stay tuned.
Wednesday, January 08, 2003
Max brings up an otherwise unexplored aspect of the Bush stimulus plan (why do I keep wanting to make a buzzzing sound when I read those words?):
- EVERYTHING'S COMING UP DIVIDENDS. You might think exempting dividends from tax "simplifies" the income tax. Nothing could be further from the truth. What it threatens to do is open up a huge avenue for tax avoidance, insofar as income can be recharacterized as "dividends." What are dividends, after all? Well, they are whatever the law says they are. For instance, under current law interest payments and short-term capital gains from money market funds are reported as "dividends." Will they be tax-exempt as well? One never knows, do one?
- Entity E1 creates entity E2, which buys entity E3, "liquidates" E3 (possibly by selling it to entity E4), distributes 100% of the proceeds as "dividends" to E1, and expires worthless, manifesting a 100% short-term capital loss on E1's original investment.
CalPundit has tasked the liberal blogosphere to come up with a way to respond to the brilliant PR campaign the Bushies have put together for their boss' stimulus plan. Kieren Healy has a useful suggestion:
- How to respond? Kevin's reaction --- "You mean seniors like Martha Stewart and Ken Lay?" --- is an excellent start. Another one springs to mind. Yesterday Kevin complained that statements which conflated the effects of variables or got their causal sequence backwards made him want to "just scream at the entire profession of sociology". (Bugs the living shite out of me, too, Kev.) The solution, for James Carville as for Sociologists, is to ask questions that separate the effects of those variables.
- In this case, ask: If you wanted to maximize your chances of benefitting from the Bush plan, would you rather be old or rich? Take your pick. I know which I'd choose.
- Plan Gives Most Benefits to Wealthy and Families
- ...
- Mr. Bush's tax plan to eliminate dividend taxes overlooks a huge population of taxpayers: more than 40 million people who put money into tax-deferred individual retirement plans like the 401(k) plan.
- Neither the money set aside in a 401(k) plan nor the dividends that accumulate are subject to any tax until a person withdraws the money after reaching retirement age.
- But when a person does withdraw money, the government taxes all of it as ordinary income � regardless of whether the money came from dividends, stock market profits or the person's original contributions.
- In effect, that means that people who buy stocks and accumulate dividends in a tax-deferred retirement plan will eventually be taxed on those dividends. But the much smaller number of people who currently pay big taxes on dividends will get a big new break.
- Today, a senior administration official confirmed that the government would not change the rules and that stock dividends earned in 401(k) plans would indeed be taxed as ordinary income when it is withdrawn.
- "They didn't get taxed when it was going in," said the official when asked about the issue today. "It all works out in the end," she said. "Trust me."
A comment related to the previous item: I am not of the opinion that black Republicans are necessarily self-hating blacks. If we are to have a truly equal society then the percentage of black Republicans should match the overal percentage of blacks in the populace. There is nothing inherent in being black that makes one more inclined to a liberal point of view. But, if one is of a conservative mindset and also black, what is one to do? Joining the Democrats just because they might be friendlier to you is not an option because you don't actually support most Democratic policies. But if you want to be politically relevent you have to be either a Democrat or a Republican. Thus, you have little choice but to join the GOP. I don't fault any black man or woman for being a Republican. But I will fault them if they go out of their way to excuse the blatant pandering to racists that is a key element of the GOP electoral strategy.
- The highest ranking African-American in the California Republican Party on Tuesday condemned the racism he has endured working for the GOP.
- "Black Republicans are expected to provide window dressing and cover to prove that this is not a racist party, yet our own leadership continues to act otherwise," party Secretary Shannon Reeves wrote in an e-mail to party board members.
- ..
- He said "the time has come" for Republican leaders to understand what he has had to endure.
- "When I travel to speak at Republican conferences and events around the country, wandering through hotels, convention centers and social clubs, as I approach the rooms where I'm to speak, I am often told by Republicans that I must be in the wrong place," he wrote.
- "As a Bush delegate at the 2000 convention in Philadelphia, I proudly wore my delegate's badge and (Republican National Committee) lapel pin as I worked the convention. Regardless of the fact that I was obviously a delegate prominently displaying my credentials, no less than six times did white delegates dismissively tell me (to) fetch them a taxi or carry their luggage."
Andrew Sullivan takes on the Joan Didion article I talked about yesterday.
- Reading Joan Didion's recent essay-cum-speech in the New York Review of Books is an enlightening exercise. It's enlightening not because it persuades. There is no argument in it, no prescription for American foreign policy now, no alternative proposed for countering the murderous terrorism that has already killed thousands of Americans. In this, Didion perfectly represents a certain type of decay in thinking on the intellectual left. Their argument about where we should go from here is essentially, "We shouldn't be here in the first place."
- Still, you can glean a few hints from Didion's prose about what she actually proposes for our current predicament. Among them: allow Saddam Hussein to get nuclear, biological and chemical weapons; abandon Israel to its fate; withdraw from Afghanistan; have a national discussion about how America is the real source of the world's current problems. I don't want to put words into her mouth; but since she won't explicitly state what she thinks -- a style that seems far more appropriate when she's observing pop culture than foreign policy -- I don't have much of a choice.
- ...those who actually do not blame the United States for the 9/11 massacre are somehow historically illiterate or incurious. She bemoans a culture of stupidity and jingoism that allegedly puts some topics off-limits:
- "There was the frequent deployment of the phrase 'the Blame America Firsters,' or 'the Blame America First crowd,' the wearying enthusiasm for excoriating anyone who suggested that it could be useful to bring at least a minimal degree of historical reference to bear on the event ... Inquiry into the nature of the enemy we faced, in other words, was to be interpreted as sympathy for that enemy."
- She approvingly quotes a Berkeley professor (yes, there are self-parodic moments in her essay) to the effect that "On September 12, the shelves were emptied of books on Islam, on American foreign policy, on Iraq, on Afghanistan." But she's horrified when the result of that reading and thought turned out to be a consensus that the problem lay with Islam's closed universe of growing extremism, not the evil lurking in America.
- War's Cost May Dwarf Stimulus Effect
- ....
- Fumed Rep. Charles B. Rangel (N.Y.), the ranking Democrat on the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee, "Never in a time of war have we reduced the tax burden on the most privileged."
- Even some of Bush's allies in past tax fights expressed exasperation yesterday, given the gathering clouds of war.
- "I understand you can't just put everything on the back burner and ignore it," said Sen. John Breaux (D-La.), a key ally in the battle over the president's 2001 tax cut. "But what you can do is take modest steps, and $670 billion is more than modest."
Tuesday, January 07, 2003
More interesting but unpublicized poll results courtesy of Zogby:
- A slim majority (51%) says Bush deserves re-election compared to 36% who say it is time for someone new. Another 13% are not sure. In October, 49% said Bush deserved re-election and 35% said it was time for someone new.
- Slightly more than one in three voters (35%) say they would vote to re-elect President Bush regardless of who he runs against, compared to 56% who would not vote to re-elect Bush regardless of who he runs against.
One more item from Didion's article. Didion goes on to describe how the early questions that people had about "why they hate us" were short-circuited by those who didn't want to go there:
- I was struck by this, since it so coincided with my own impression. Most of us saw that discussion short-circuited, and most of us have some sense of how and why it became a discussion with nowhere to go. One reason, among others, runs back sixty years, through every administration since Franklin Roosevelt's. Roosevelt was the first American president who tried to grapple with the problems inherent in securing Palestine as a Jewish state. It was also Roosevelt who laid the groundwork for our relationship with the Saudis. There was an inherent contradiction here, and it was Roosevelt, perhaps the most adroit political animal ever made, who instinctively devised the approach adopted by the administrations that followed his: Stall. Keep the options open. Make certain promises in public, and conflicting ones in private. This was always a high-risk business, and for a while the rewards seemed commensurate: we got the oil for helping the Saudis, we got the moral credit for helping the Israelis, and, for helping both, we enjoyed the continuing business that accrued to an American defense industry significantly based on arming all sides.
Joan Didion went on a book tour to promote her book ">Political Fictions (a book I highly recommend) just seven days after the 9/11 attacks. She relates some of what she experienced in her latest article for The New York Review of Books. In particular, she noted how quickly people saw the through the bullshit that was leaking out of Washington.
- All I can say about the rest of that evening, and about the two weeks that followed, is that they turned out to be nothing I had expected, nothing I had ever before experienced, an extraordinarily open kind of traveling dialogue, an encounter with an America apparently immune to conventional wisdom. The book I was making the trip to talk about was Political Fictions, a series of pieces I had written for The New York Review about the American political process from the 1988 through the 2000 presidential elections. These people to whom I was listening�in San Francisco and Los Angeles and Portland and Seattle�were making connections I had not yet in my numbed condition thought to make: connections between that political process and what had happened on September 11, connections between our political life and the shape our reaction would take and was in fact already taking.
- These people recognized that even then, within days after the planes hit, there was a good deal of opportunistic ground being seized under cover of the clearly urgent need for increased security. These people recognized even then, with flames still visible in lower Manhattan, that the words "bipartisanship" and "national unity" had come to mean acquiescence to the administration's preexisting agenda� for example the imperative for further tax cuts, the necessity for Arctic drilling, the systematic elimination of regulatory and union protections, even the funding for the missile shield �as if we had somehow missed noticing the recent demonstration of how limited, given a few box cutters and the willingness to die, superior technology can be.
- These people understood that when Judy Woodruff, on the evening the President first addressed the nation, started talking on CNN about what "a couple of Democratic consultants" had told her about how the President would be needing to position himself, Washington was still doing business as usual. They understood that when the political analyst William Schneider spoke the same night about how the President had "found his vision thing," about how "this won't be the Bush economy any more, it'll be the Osama bin Laden economy," Washington was still talking about the protection and perpetuation of its own interests.
- These people got it.
- They didn't like it.
- There was much about this return to New York that I had not expected. I had expected to find the annihilating economy of the event�the way in which it had concentrated the complicated arrangements and misarrangements of the last century into a single irreducible image�being explored, made legible. On the contrary, I found that what had happened was being processed, obscured, systematically leached of history and so of meaning, finally rendered less readable than it had seemed on the morning it happened. As if overnight, the irreconcilable event had been made manageable, reduced to the sentimental, to protective talismans, totems, garlands of garlic, repeated pieties that would come to seem in some ways as destructive as the event itself. We now had "the loved ones," we had "the families," we had "the heroes."
- There was the open season on Susan Sontag�on a single page of a single issue of The Weekly Standard that October she was accused of "unusual stupidity," of "moral vacuity," and of "sheer tastelessness"�all for three paragraphs in which she said, in closing, that "a few shreds of historical awareness might help us understand what has just happened, and what may continue to happen"; in other words that events have histories, political life has consequences, and the people who led this country and the people who wrote and spoke about the way this country was led were guilty of trying to infantilize its citizens if they continued to pretend otherwise.
The Washington Post printed some analysis of the Bush Stimulus plan by various economists. Andrew Sullivan complains that the Post didn't mention that one of these economists happened to be a donor to the DNC. Matthew Yglesias posts an interesting response to that complaint:
- I suppose they could have mentioned it, but the idea that for an economist to be objective about economic policy he must be nonpartisan is just absurd. After all, what if you looked at the economic policies of the Democrats and Republicans and decided that, while both involved some pandering to political expediency, one party's policies were consistently better than the others. What if that party was the Democrats? Why on earth wouldn't you decide to support the Democratic party?
- This is the precise problem with media "objectivity" I've been complaining about. The Bush plan either is or is not an effective means of stimulating the economy. It's a cut-and-dry matter of fact. Saying "this is a tax cut plan masquerading as a stimulus plan" is not media bias any more than saying "North Korea is on the verge of commencing plutonium production."
Notice the use of snake oil hedge words in the following:
- White House spokesman Ari Fleischer said the plan would provide 92 million taxpayers with an average tax cut of $1,083 this year and that a family of four with $39,000 in earnings could save about $1,100.
Pandagon has an interesting suggestion: insteading of attacking GOP tax cut proposals as benefiting mostly the rich, start going after the loopholes in the corporate tax system instead. After all, as Pandagon points out, while half of the tax cuts may benefit the top 1%, we live in a country where fully 40% of the people think they are in that top 1% and thus will be benefiting from it themselves. But, again repeating Pandagon, while many people may be under the delusion that they are rich, few of them think of themselves as corporations.
- Rebelling against individual tax issues is not a winner - it too easily plays into Republican rhetoric. However, in the current environment, framing corporate taxation as a pro-individual policy seems like a positive step - especially if you can entangle a little distrust of the government in the mix.
Billmon has an excellent breakdown of the stupidity that is the Bush stimulus package. It makes a nice main course to the previous appetizer from Paul Krugman. I think there is really only one reasonable response to the Bush proposal: laughter. These guys should never be taken seriously again (except where it comes to their willingness to do whatever it is to seize and hold on to power). America is currently being run by the same kind of yahoos who came up with the brilliant business plans that defined Enron and Worldcom. They've just scaled their plans up from billions to trillions.
You know the drill...
- An Irrelevant Proposal By PAUL KRUGMAN
- Here's how it works. Faced with a real problem � terrorism, the economy, nukes in North Korea � the Bush administration's response has nothing to do with solving that problem. Instead it exploits the issue to advance its political agenda.
- Nonetheless, the faithful laud our glorious leader's wisdom. For a variety of reasons, including the desire to avoid charges of liberal bias, most reporting is carefully hedged. And the public, reading only praise or he-said-she-said discussions, never grasps the fundamental disconnect between problem and policy.
- And so it goes with the administration's "stimulus" plan.
Monday, January 06, 2003
I'm more and more convinced that the DLC was never the great power that it was made out to be but was instead just living off the reflected glory of a great individual (Bill Clinton) who helped found it. Once he moved on they have done nothing but founder ever since. Bill Clinton was the third way.
Sunday, January 05, 2003
Digby says:
- Meanwhile, just a little over a year ago we got attacked by terrorists who used low-tech box cutters to destroy Americas most vivid symbols of economic and military power. We got attacked on our own shores and thousands died and the success of that action absolutely guarantees that it won't be the last. For this administration to basically sideline that issue into bullshit "homeland security" with a color coded danger chart and bogus manhunts to pretend they are doing something--- in fact, to exacerbate the danger by provoking all manner of violent and unpredicatable global reactions with their swaggering bullyboy rhetoric --- mainly because they refuse to relinquish their cherished vision of themselves as astride a great global military Colossus, is about as irresponsible a position as I can imagine.
A man with experience in coverups is appointed to 9/11 commission. What a surprise.
First John DiIulio, now David Frum (courtesy of the Drudge Report, caveat emptor):
- Frum, who left the White House less than a year ago, is set to launch THE RIGHT MAN: THE SURPRISE PRESIDENCY OF GEORGE W, BUSH on Tuesday with a high-impact media tour, giving the speechwriter and journalist a platform to elaborate on his Bush insights.
- Among the White House staff, there was a "dearth of really high-powered brains," Frum, a neoconservative, writes in RIGHT MAN, obtained exclusively by the DRUDGE REPORT.
- "One seldom heard an unexpected thought in the Bush White House or met someone who possessed unusual knowledge."
- "Bush was a sharp exception to the White House code of niceness. He was tart, not sweet," charges Frum.
Compare the following:
- "If called on by the commander-in-chief today, two entire divisions of the Army would have to report ... Not ready for duty, sir." -- George W. Bush, Republican convention acceptance speech, Aug 3rd, 2000.
- �We can easily win a war on two fronts, Korea and Iraq,� -- Donald Rumsfeld, Dec. 23rd, 2002
- In seven months as Pentagon chief, Rumsfeld has managed to spook the military, alienate defense contractors, mobilize much of Capitol Hill against him--and even make some in the White House question his toughness. It's usually a Democrat who puts the Pentagon on a wartime footing, but Rumsfeld, 69, is an armor-plated Republican and a military man to boot (he served as a Navy pilot). He has stirred up these problems by launching a much needed but oddly secretive review of the U.S. military that until last week threatened to sink ships, ground planes and retire soldiers in order to reduce U.S. forces overseas and free up money for more research in areas such as missile defense. "This is one of the most interesting situations I've seen in a long time," says Representative Norm Dicks, a pro-military Democrat from Washington State. "He says he wants the military to stop saying they can fight two wars on two fronts simultaneously. But he has opened more fronts in Washington than any Defense Secretary in memory."
Billmon has an excellent post up on The Daily Kos that really hilights the problems with trying to use The Lord of The Rings as a model for how we should handle our current geo-political problems. He points out that those who would use it as the model for how "moral clarity" is necessary in the fight against evil forget that our opponents in our present age are not as clear-cut as the apparent evil that is Sauron. We are fighting other human beings, not orcs. Yet "moral clarity" can produce in us a tendency to see everyone who is not "with us" as being sub-human and thus worthy of slaughter. For me the most inspiring element of LOTR is Gandalf's chastising of Frodo when Frodo wishes death on Gollum. "Do not be so quick to pass out death and judgement," he advises, "even the very wise cannot see all ends." Many on the right would call that bleeding-heart squishiness. That doesn't mean it isn't true.
The horse is out with a take-no-prisoners manifesto on what Democrats and liberals need to do in order to win back the support of the Moron-Americans.
- Anyone who hopes to determine the best strategic direction for Democrats need only consider ever so sincere and earnest offerings of "advice" from the likes of Hannity and other wingnuts, and heed the opposite.
- The truth is, of course, that Americans consistently reject Republican policies and ideas, and favor those put forth by Democrats.
- However, elections, particularly national elections, do not ultimately hinge on a mere battle of ideas. While policy is important to a majority of voters who do vote their pocketbooks and their conception of the national interest, an election cannot be won without appealing to the 10-20% of voters who are swayed not by the message but by tone and attitude of the candidates, as well as the general "images" of the parties. Gene Lyons recently referred to this important voting bloc as the "Moron-American community." (They also comprise the contemptible "late deciders" who make national election outcome predictions impossible until election day - when they make their voting decisions.)
I wanted to test out my thesis in my previous post, so I decided to extract the Gallup polling data for Bush and Clinton from two equal time periods of their presidencies. For Clinton I chose the period from just prior to the outbreak of Lewinsky mania to just after the impeachment trial concluded. For Bush I chose just prior to 9/11 to the present day. Here are the results:

Andrew Greeley (courtesy of Atrios) on Bush's alleged popularity:
- Yet last week's issue of Time--which celebrates the Bush-Cheney team like it is Michael and Gabriel--provides data that runs against the notion that Americans are enthusiastic supporters of the administration. The president's approval rating has dropped to 55 percent. The country is split between those who say they trust the president (50 percent) and those who don't (48 percent). No one seems to have noticed that the 60 percent approval rating the media have celebrated all these months is about the same as President Bill Clinton's at the time of the Lewinsky scandal.