The Dow Likes Peace
Well, this is a pretty strong indicator.

Ancient Chinese curse: may you live in interesting times. This web site is my attempt to document, from my perspective, these "interesting times".
Well, this is a pretty strong indicator.
Sean-Paul has a copy of a letter he sent Chirac and Schroeder up on The Agonist. In it he acknowledges that Bush is a jerk. But he also urges France and Germany not to sacrifice the UN and NATO in response to Bush's arrogance. I posted the following in the comment section on the post:
Steve Duin, a columnist for the Oregonian, has written a column that I think comes closest to correctly describing the attitude of the muddled middle as far as Iraq is concerned. I think it would be useful for both sides in this debate (pro and anti) to read what he has to say and consider how their comments are playing in Peoria.
Just a little something to lift your day. Here's a post from the bartcop forum, courtesy dedalus, that discusses what "real" people (i.e., people who don't spend so much time online bitching about Bush) feel about Dubya.
An interesting article about what we've been doing to get the Turks on our side:
Part of what sunk Trent Lott was not just his pining for the Dixiecrats but the repeated revelation over the subsequent weeks of other examples of similar offensive comments. The other day Bill O'Reilly used the term "wetbacks" when referring to illegal mexican immigrants. It turns out it may not be the first time he has used that term (link courtesy JB Armstrong of MyDD).
William Saletan nails lying Colin's ass:
From Maureen Dowd:
The headline on CNN's web page right now is "Purported bin Laden tape backs Iraqis". This is called lying with the truth. bin Laden did express support for the Iraqi people. But he also condemned Sadaam Hussein's Baath party as "infidels". Assuming this tape is real, and Powell was acting this morning like it was, then this is almost proof positive that bin Laden does not support Sadaam Hussein. Yet CNN does not report that in its headline. Instead it leaves the deceptive statement that "bin Laden backs Iraqis". This leaves the casual reader with the impression that bin Laden is supporting Hussein against the United States. CNN wants its war!
The bin Laden tape proves that he is linked to Saddam?
I just flashed on something while thinking about my previous post. Glenn Reynolds appears to approve of the US manufacturing a lie (a fake bin Laden) tape. As part of that justification he links to an MSNBC column he wrote in which he says that, in wartime, everyone lies. I agreed, but pointed out that we are not yet at war. It was this that gave me my insight: Mr. Reynolds thinks we ARE already at war with Iraq. It is not surprising then that Mr. Reynolds reacts to us on the anti-war side as if we were equivalent to people who would be calling for peace with Japan after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Indeed, this may explain the belligerence of people like Bush and Rumsfeld. They also think we are already at war and that those of us who are trying to stop the bombing before it happens are simply appeasing the already declared enemy. Could this be the fundamental disagreement between the two sides?
Jeanne D'Arc asks the right questions (link courtesy of The Road To Surfdom)
There are some odd things about the following AP report that I would like to point out.
Is this report accurate?
Dennis Hans provides a 15 point case arguing that the Bush administration has lied and obfuscated the truth it knows (and does not know) about Iraq in order to persuade and scare the American people into supporting a war to remove Sadaam Hussein from power. He backs up each point with examples of said deceptions and points out precisely how they are deceptive. This case is far more devastating in its indictment of Bush than was Powell's presentation against Iraq.
My fear: now that a judge has said that there won't be a march on Feb. 15th in NYC I am worried that the march will happen anyway, the police will try to stop it, tempers will flair, and the resulting mayhem will be blamed entirely on anti-war forces. Of course, that could be precisely the point.
Paul Krugman gets to the heart of the matter once again by repeating something I have said often: Bush hasn't demonstrated any reason for people to trust his word.
WampumBlog makes an interesting discovery. Go to this URL to find out who owns the DNS domain for Iraq. UPDATE: I did some googling on Alani Corporation. It appears it is a Texas company by registration only as the contact number is in Baghdad. See more here (PDF file converted to HTML by google).
Well, it's not that bad, yet. But this could be the precursor to Americas withdrawal from NATO.
Read this:
So, it turns out the "Al Qaeda terrorist camp" may have been nothing more than a bakery. So I guess Bush shouldn't be impeached for letting a terrorist training camp exist for political reasons. He should be impeached for lying about a terrorist camp existing. (Hey, they impeached Clinton for a lie. Right?) Yes, I know. Reporters are not inspectors and shouldn't be trusted to know what is and is not a chemical weapons factory. And, of course, the Al Qaeda terrorists could have just cleared out since Powell's briefing and left behind only a bakery. But then, that's what I said yesterday didn't I? If there was in fact a terrorist training camp here and the Bush administration did nothing about it but let Powell go and use it in a PR stunt thus causing the terrorist to scuttle away in the night then Bush has once again put American lives in danger for political purposes. The case looks better and better for arguing that Bush has violated his oath of office and should be impeached and removed from office. The safety of America demands it.