Tuesday, February 11, 2003

Perhaps you should check your facts first Mr. Powell

The bin Laden tape proves that he is linked to Saddam?
Message apparently from bin Laden is broadcast Statement said to be from al-Qaida leader calls for Muslims to repel U.S. attack on Iraq Feb. 11 — An audio tape purported to carry the voice of Osama bin Laden called on Iraqis to carry out suicide attacks against Americans and defend themselves against a U.S. attack. “We stress the importance of martyrdom attacks against the enemy,” said the speaker on the tape, aired on the al-Jazeera Arab satellite station. THE STATEMENT also calls Iraqi President Saddam Hussein an “infidel,” but stresses that the paramount battle for Muslims is with the United States and its allies.
I used to think Powell had just put his soul in trust when agreeing to work for the Bushies. But he's opened the lockbox and turned it over to them completely. He can never be trusted again with anything.


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