Friday, September 02, 2005

Must Read

I meant it. This is a must read. It is not a rant. It is a simple statement of fact. It is the most damning and on-the-mark indictment of the modern GOP that I have ever read.

Democrats and liberals have watched in apoplectic horror as Republicans have gained ground at all levels of government despite hard evidence of corruption, incompetence, and failure. Foolishly, we, navel-gazers that we often are, have thought that the trend was about us; something that we were doing wrong. We have had meeting after meeting to discuss where and how we went off-track.

Well, we have erred, but not in the way that we usually think. We have failed because we let doubt get the better of us. We have let America down by thinking there was something wrong with what we were doing in the first place. We lost our voice because we blinked when we should have advanced.

The Republicans haven't been winning because they have a better plan or sounder policies. They have been winning because they have spent billions of dollars on a coordinated media campaign to make a slim majority of voting America feel good about the worst aspects of their natures. They have succeeded, not by providing a national vision that inspires us to a higher nobility, but by telling us that giving in to our basest instincts is what's best for us as individuals and as a nation.

We are not the problem folks. It's them.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

If we had a real President

This is the speech he would give (written by Sterling Newberry)

Monday, August 29, 2005

I'm sensing a pattern

All over the country, prominent Democrats are declining to run in races that could be potential Democratic pickups but aren't guaranteed to be easy wins (MyDD has the latest example). In other words, few top Democrats are willing to go the extra mile to win a seat for the party. Why? Could this be indicative of a general sense amongst these top Democrats that it just isn't worth it to go all out for these seats because they just don't feel like they are part of a team that will really get their backs?

We've often talked on these forums about how the party's unwillingness to support longshots has left a lot of local Democrats feeling isolated. Could the party's overall strategy also be leaving quite a few potential stars feeling like the fight just isn't worth the hastle?