Saturday, January 21, 2006

Let me see if I understand this...

If you have a strongly held conviction that happens to be at variance with, say, 55% of the electorate, you should stifle that conviction in order not to risk the chance of losing an election?

And these guys wonder why they keep losing?

The electorate doesn't want candidates who will tailor their message to what 55% of them say they want.

They want someone who will convince them that what the candidate believes is what they should believe.

Republicans use polls to figure out how to sell their ideas to the public.

Democrats use polls to figure out what ideas to sell to the public.

Guess who is winning?

(Hat tip to georgia10)

Friday, January 20, 2006


Does anyone besides me think that Osama bin Laden doesn't even need to plan an actual strike against the United States anymore?

All he has to do is come out with a tape saying he has something in th works and the level of terror within the United States elevates to a level that must give bin Laden the giggles. He doesn't need to go through the effort and risk of actually attacking us. Just saying, "Boo!" is enough to get us scurrying.

Is this what four years of Bush's leadership has lead us to?

Sunday, January 15, 2006

The problem of Fear

I agree 100% with the frustrations of Democrats who are upset with our leadership for putting up such an ineffectual fight against the Alito nomination. But those who advocate shucking the whole party because of failed leadership are advocating the worst possible solution.

You want the party to change? Then make it change! Work to get people elected who will act like leaders.

There is a lot of dead weight in our party. But that dead weight won't miraculously turn into leadership if you threaten it with walking away.


Because the biggest problem with our leadership is that they are afraid. If you try to make them change by threatening them then you are only compounding their fear.

We want leaders who aren't afraid. Leaders who aren't afraid of the Republicans. Leaders who aren't afraid of the media. Leaders who aren't afraid of our country's enemies.

Leaders who aren't afraid of us.