I've been reading a lot of post-mortems the last few days and comments on
same from various bloggers and comments to those bloggers comments, leading, of
course, to a bit of comment overload.
But I do have one more comment to add to the mix: I was struck by the
repeated comments by many that the Dean legacy would only have meaning if it
resulted in a continued rise in "insurgent" campaigns against the old-style
political machine. That machine may still have had enough energy to strike down
Dean (as mentioned in the previous post), but would it be able strike down
multiple campaigns? Could the viral strategy of the Dean campaign lead to a new
viral politics that produces more independently minded politicians who are not
beholden to the establishment?
This reminds me of one of my favorite movies, a little picture called
"Pump Up The Volume". PUTV has
some of the standard elements of a teen-angst drama, but it manages to move
beyond the confines of the formula to present a compelling image of the
powerless standing up and exerting the power that they never realized they had.
I might call the movie a "guilty pleasure" but I'm not the least bit guilty
about enjoying it.
PUTV is the story of a high school run by a repressive principal and her
minions (the football coach and the school guidance counselor) who are more
interested in boosting the performance rating of the school than in actually
teaching the kids they are responsible for. Towards that end, the principal
black-balls "troubled teenagers" and kicks them out of school, thus brining up
the overall school rankings and winning plaudits for her inspirational
leadership (ahh, the wonders of standardized testing).
Into this mix comes Mark (played by Christian Slater), a shy teenager whose
family has just moved to town because his father was hired as commissioner of
the local school system. His father is oblivious to the kind of actions the
principal is taking at the school. He only sees the high marks and not the lives
wasted by the quest for those marks.
Mark, has problems making friends and withdraws to his basement where he uses
a small transmitter his father bought him to run a pirate radio station. He
adopts an on-air personality whose moniker is Happy Harry Hardon ("Talk Hard!"
is the slogan of his show). Happy Harry is the mirror image of the shy Marl from
the "real" world. He cracks jokes about masturbation, spins obscene and profane
music about sex and violence, and rails against the rampant angst and despair he
sees all around him.
To Mark's surprise, his show, which he never expected anyone to listen to,
becomes an instant hit amongst the kids at his high school. Unbeknownst to him,
Mark has tapped into something that he wasn't even consciously aware of and
becomes the head of a rebellious movement in the high school halls (sound
familiar?) Mark is at once both thrilled and freaked out by the influence he
wields over the kids around him. After all, he's just this shy geeky kid who has
no more clue about what it all means than anyone else. All he wants is someone
to tell him what he should do. Yet now all these desperate kids are
looking to him for the answers.
The establishment powers (the principal, coach, guidance counselor and even
his father (at first)) work hard to shut down this revolution within their
midst. Showing once again that the greatest fear of those in power is that those
they wield influence over might realize that they aren't as powerful as they
want to appear.
In the end Mark is tracked down and arrested. But as he is being dragged away
by the police he calls out to the crowds of kids around him to "Talk Hard!". As
the screen fades to black we hear the sound of other young kids crackling in the
ether as their own pirate radio shows blossom all around the country.
I would hope the analogy here is obvious enough for everyone to see it.
Whether the slogan is "Talk Hard" or "You Have The Power", the message is the
same: we can change the world. Perhaps only in small, but still significant,
ways. But we can't do it if we aren't willing to step outside our presumed
limits and take chances. "Failing" on an individual level is impossible so long
as we can inspire others to achieve great things.
In that sense, Howard Dean will have failed only if we fail to fight on.
Talk Hard!