After the 2000 election fiasco a lot of pundit breath was wasted on claims that Bush would have to run a coalition government because of the narrowness of his "victory". Bush, instead, ran his administration as if he had won the greatest landslide in American history. He got most of what he wanted. After the Trent Lott fiasco a lot of pundit breath was wasted on claims that Bush would have to work hard to overcome the image of the GOP being a safe haven for sheetheads and sheethead sympathizers. Bush, instead, has re-nominated Charles Pickering as if his questionable civil-rights record has nothing to do with what the GOP stands for. Will Bush again get most of what he wants? Will the media evern learn? Will the Democrats ever grown a spine? Stay tuned.
Thursday, January 09, 2003
"We Are What We Believe" -- Howard Dean, Dec. 8th, 2004
chris.d.andersen at
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