coordinated thugs?
Wouldn't that be worth an FBI/Justice investigation?
Ancient Chinese curse: may you live in interesting times. This web site is my attempt to document, from my perspective, these "interesting times".
What went wrong with McCain’s attacks? The audience’s shouted slurs ruined the classical Republican approach of plausibly deniable racism. Imagine if at the old boy's country club someone said, “Well, I’m not sure the Cohens would fit in here.” Wink wink. And his buddy responded, “Oh yeah. You mean because they’re Jews, right?” It ruins the ruse, like the sitcom stooge who asks “Hey, why are you kicking me under the table?”The Southern Strategy was always predicated on the idea that you never make the racism and nativism explicit. This was necessary because there are a large percentage of Republicans who don't want anything to do with racists even though they like the general policy approach of their party. They had to be made to feel comfortable with the party despite its veiled appeals to the cockroach set.
54 year-old white male, voted Kerry '04, Bush '00, Dole '96, hunter, NASCAR fan...hard for Obama said: "I'm gonna hate him the minute I vote for him. He's gonna be a bad president. But I won't ever vote for another god-damn Republican. I want the government to take over all of Wall Street and bankers and the car companies and Wal-Mart run this county like we used to when Reagan was President."Part of me wonders if we want people like this voting for Obama. Just how out of it do you have to be to think that Reagan was for taking over Wall Street? But then another part of me thinks, the more the merrier.
That 30 percent figure [percentage in a New York Times Poll who said that this campaign was more negative than past campaigns -- chris] is lower than this point in 2004, when 41 percent said the campaign was more negative than previous years. At this point in 1992, 34 percent said the campaign was more negative. And at this point in 1988, 47 percent said it was more negative.Assessing the negativity of a campaign is not a science. There are several variations on the questions. For instance, is the total volume of negativity higher? Or are the negative attacks, by themselves, more vicious than previous attacks? Or is it just a matter of percentages (100% of McCain ads of late have been negative). I think that the negativity of this campaign, especially coming from the McCain side, ranks high on the viciousness scale and the percentage scale. But the volume of the attacks doesn't quite seem as bad as in past years.
Modern American Conservatives have sunk to the intellectual and emotional level of the guy who thinks the stripper really likes him.