Thursday, July 03, 2008

Pale Blue Dot

One of the greatest loses of my lifetime was the death of Carl Sagan. How our world could use him now.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008


There is one thing to consider with respect to the Dolchstoßlegende (German for "Stab in the back") narrative.

It's most famous example is the rise, after WWI, of the Nazi party in Germany. The Nazis lived-and-breathed the "Stab in the back" narrative. It's arguable what gave them the boost they needed to take power. But consider what happened in Germany after WWII. Germany was defeated just as badly, if not more so, after the second world war. Yet did a "Stab in the back" narrative ever re-appear in Germany after Hitler was expunged?

Not that I know of.

The possible lesson: "Stab in the back" can work as a narrative after one national experience of defeat. But that does not mean it will work after a second one. Perhaps, after losing twice, the Germans were more open to self-examination on this question instead of looking for someone else to blame.

Similarly, after Vietnam, there has been a persistent debate in this country over whether we would have won if the "Dirty Fucking Hippies" hadn't undermined the war effort at home. This debate arguably sank Kerry's presidential campaign.

But will the same thing happen after a "defeat" in Iraq? Or will Americans be more open to the argument that maybe both Vietnam and Iraq were failures because of something America did wrong.


Tuesday, July 01, 2008

That pretty much covers it

Balloon Juice
McCain and his party demand be protection against the kind of criticism that they throw at everyone else. It’s even funnier to see how the criticism that drives them into hysterics is comically weak tea compared to the kind of stuff that attack-mode conservatives, swifties, and angry-mode John McCain regularly dish out.

Obama improves

This is good news.

I've noticed a pattern during this election campaign. Obama sometimes stumbles in his handling of an issue. He gets criticized for it from allies. And then he actually changes the way he handles the issue to accommodate those criticisms.

In other words, he actually listens and he gets better with each cycle of nontroversy.

I got leather for my Fred!

Finally! After 40 years someone finally managed to translate Joe Cocker!

(hat tip POV)

Gay Mayo

Sigh. The things people get upset about. (hat tip to

Monday, June 30, 2008

Playing not to lose?

A long-time concern of mine with respect to Dems is that, when they are ahead, they fall into a pattern of "playing not to lose" instead of "playing to win". The former strategy is appealing because it is based on the idea that, if you are ahead, all you have to do is not make mistakes and you will eventually win. The flaw in this strategy is that mistakes are inevitable. If all you have is a defensive strategy then eventually those mistakes will accumulate and your lead will quickly vanish.

(Aside: I've been a fan of the Portland Trailblazers for years. But back in the days of Clyde Drexler, this was a consistant mistake they made. They would get out ahead of their opponent, slack off, and then watch their leads wither away, never to be regained.)

A "playing to win" strategy, on the other hand, gives you the opportunity to gain ground that can compensate for any you might lose because of mistakes. Yes, it can also increase the odds of mistakes, but as long as the success rate of small battles compensates for those mistakes, it doesn't really matter.

Furthermore, "playing to win" just makes you look like you are winner, and that itself can be a big boost to your campaign.

One thing I have liked about Obama is that he didn't seem to buy into the "play not to lose" strategy. At least not in the primaries. There were mistakes. But he didn't let the fear of mistakes get in the way of pushing further into Clinton territory. I am covinced that this was one of the greatest contributers to his primary victory.

Which is why it is disturbing to see a return to the old "play not to lose" strategy. First with his handling of the FISA vote and now with his handling of the kerfluffle around Wesley Clark's comments about McCain's military service (here). By quickly ejecting Clark Obama has made two mistakes: (1) he has ceded to the right the ground of defining just what it means to say that military service gives you foreign policy cred and (2) he has given weight to the old idea that, if you just push a Dem around, eventually he will apologize for getting in your way.

Not smart politics.

Not yet fatal. But certainly worrisome.