Saturday, September 16, 2006

Al From, Wanker Extraordinaire

During the 2004 race, Al From and others from the Democratic Leadership Council used to make ominous predictions that Howard Dean, if he didn't win the Democratic nomination, would leave the party and make an Independent bid for the Presidency, thus undermining Democratic chances of regaining the White House.

Dean lost the nomination fight, backed Kerry 110% and then went on to win the chairmanship of the Democratic National Committee. And what has From been doing?

Participating in planning sessions on a potential 3rd party bid for the Presidency in 2008.

What. A. Wanker.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Getting Osama is important

Nancy Pelosi is caught making a statement about the importance of capturing bin Laden that is remarkably similar to a statement just made by Dick Cheney. She said that capturing bin Laden won't make us any safer. Cheney said that getting bin Laden wouldn't eliminate the problem of al Qaeda. Republicans are criticizing her for her statement while ignoring Cheney's.

Why do we continue to express astonishment at the hypocrisy of the GOP? We might as well express shock at the sunrise!

But really, Pelosi shouldn't be validating the Republican talking point that capturing bin Laden is not important. It is important. Even if bin Laden were totally incapable of harming America in the future (a big if), it would still be important.


Because bin Laden is responsible for the deaths of nearly 3000 people on 9/11! That alone makes his capture and/or elimination a high priority.

Any suggestion that getting bin Laden is unimportant is a slap in the face of the friends and family of all those who died on September 11th.

Is there a problem here?

There are three key questions that should be asked when it comes to enacting any law that is supposed to solve a particular problem:

1. Is there really a problem?

2. Will this law actually solve that problem?

3. Will the negative side-effects of the law be acceptable?

If the answer to all three questions is not YES then the law should not be passed.

Kevin Drum says the Republican proposals on Voter ID fail the first test. I agree.

Works for me

"Don't let Osama Bin Laden tell you how to vote."