Saturday, April 25, 2009

Call it what it is


If laws were broken, then the fact that they were broken as the result of "a deliberate, and internally well-debated, policy decision, made in the proper places" is no excuse
There's another word for this. It's called a conspiracy.

Friday, April 24, 2009


I'd pay to see this. And, like Keith, I'd double it if the truth he had to confess is that water-boarding is torture.

Saving our souls

Paul Krugman says what I say, but much more eloquently (and with a much bigger bullhorn).

An investigation into Bush administration misdeeds would be ugly. It would turn over a lot of stones many in Washington would rather leave alone. It might even be a distraction from other essential business. But all of those concerns pale in comparison with restoring the soul of America.

Not a good enough reason

White House Flunky: "The President said that given all that's on the agenda and the pressing issues facing the country [that a] backward-looking investigation would not be productive".

Okay, I understand this. There are pressing issues. There is an agenda that would, guaranteed, be hampered by an investigation. But, here's the thing: there is always going to be pressing issues. There is always going to be an agenda that you would prefer to have the focus of attention. If we adopt this principle in general, then we should never investigate any past misdeeds because it will always be (to paraphrase) "disruptive of a forward looking agenda".

It sucks, Mr. Obama, that an investigation might hamper some of your other efforts, but that is not a good enough reason not to do it. Your preferred agenda is not always going to be issue #1.

Get used to it.