Baaaaand Monnnn-Taaaaaaage!
Ancient Chinese curse: may you live in interesting times. This web site is my attempt to document, from my perspective, these "interesting times".
Next they started talking about policy positions. This was quite amusing. They were all upset that Obama had voted for the bailout. Then, one of them said, "McCain supported it too." Then they talked about how upset they were about McCain's proposal to buy mortgages directly from homeowners. One of the gentlemen proclaimed, "McCain sounds like a socialist. You'd think he were a Democrat". At that point the other gentleman stated that he had thought of voting for Bob Barr. He opened his lap top and pulled up Barr's website for the others to see. They liked what they saw. One woman said that Barr was the "conservative that McCain used to be."Consider what will happen if these "supporters" begin to think a McCain loss is inevitable. If McCain is going to lose, they might think to themselves, why bother voting for him anyway since they really don't like him. Why not vote for that nice Mr. Barr instead?
As for McCain's motives for doing the right thing, they may not be entirely selfless in nature. Sure it could be out of a hidden store of decency, or it could simply be political expediency. Take a look at the new Newsweek poll of RVs and you see what his shameful attacks on Obama have gotten him: Obama leads McCain by 11 points, up from a tie a month ago.I agree that McCain's motives are not entirely selfless in nature. I'm sure a big part of it has been calls from Republican leaders telling him, in no uncertain terms, that they were not willing to let him take the party down with him and that the recent incendiary turn in his campaign was doing just that.
A woman at the town hall asks softly: "I've heard that Sen. Obama is an
McCain quickly cuts the woman off.
"No, maam. He's a decent family man and citizen," McCain says. "He's
not. Thank you."
A man in the audience stood up and told McCain he's "scared" of an Obama presidency and who he'd select for the Supreme Court.McCain's supporters aren't going to be happy with him if he says things like this. They may even reject him. But I guess it is encouraging that he at least made the attempt."I have to tell you. Sen. Obama is a decent person and a person you don't have to be scared of as president of the United States," McCain said as the crowd booed and shouted "Come on, John!"
"If I didn't think I'd be a heck of a lot better, I wouldn't be running for president of the united states."
On the morning that Lehman Bros. and Merrill Lynch fell,... the ... Dow Jones average fell 504 points... As stocks crashed, suddenly people remembered that modern markets cannot exist without a cop on the beat. Every important market out there, from fresh food and safe drugs to autos and air travel to housing and health care, depends on government to maintain trust, and without it, none of them would survive. Without regulation, predators take over, and when they do, trust eventually collapses. Every important market is in peril now, precisely because of the predators in power these past eight years. And none more immediately than finance.