Friday, July 10, 2009

Obama's wandering eye ... in fun spoiling context

ABC provides context. Damn them for ruining the fun of those who would like to read more into this than there is.

Seriously though, it is nice to see a mainstream media outlet actually pointing out that still photos are really a bad method for identifying intent in situations like this. Ever freeze frame a video in a way that makes a person look like a total goofball?

Sarkozi really does look like he's checking her out. But, he's French so I doubt anyone in France will give a crap. Only Americans could look at this and think there is anything important in this story.

Science has a liberal bias

No wonder Republicans distrust it.

Total Information Awareness

That would be my bet.

Trust the google

Thursday, July 09, 2009

My thoughts on property

I think the question of property, who "owns" something, can be answered two ways: (1) no one and (2) whoever has the force necessary to enforce their claim on it.

Really, is there any other way of defining it?

Thoughts on the difference between Bush and Obama

The greatest benefit of a warrant is that it reduces capricious abuse of power. If an official knows he has to get a warrant (even a rubber-stamp warrant like you get from the FISA court) they might just hesitate a moment before deciding to bust down some doors just to teach someone a lesson.

Requiring warrants forces authorities to submit their requests to an outside authority. Even if they know that that outside authority is virtually guaranteed to approve it (again, see FISA), the mere fact they have to make the submission makes them stop for a moment to consider whether it is a good idea to go forward with it.

This was the problem I had with what Bush did and why I object to those who say Obama is perpetuating Bush's crimes. The biggest problem with Bush's model of governance is that he didn't believe he had to get the approval of ANYONE, even a rubber-stamp like the FISA court, to do what he wanted to do and he believed he didn't have to submit his actions for review by outside authority (congress or the courts).

Obama's proposed policies are completely contrary to that philosophy. He wants a clearly defined process for how to exercise the extraordinary powers of the presidency and he wants a well laid out plan for review and reversal. That is what makes him different from Bush and it is a HUGE difference.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

The purpose of the American "Health" Care system

What sense is there in getting insurance if that insurance will be canceled once you get sick? Well, it will make insurance company investors really really rich.

The purpose of the American "Health" Care system is not to provide effective health care to its subscribers. Its purpose is to provide effective profits to the system's investors. The subscribers are the profit centers. They are the vehicles by which investors make money.

The subscribers are not the customers. The investors are the customers.

The subscribers are the product.

But, they made jokes about my kid!

That is so much worse than being accused of murder!

Breaking Silence / The magic of 60

I've been silent for quite some time and for anyone still out there who has me in their RSS feeds and hasn't purged me yet, I apologize. I've made fitful attempts to return to blogging but I've never been able to quite restore the bug I had a few years back. Maybe I'll talk more about that later.

In the meantime, this post by the incomparable Bob Somerby just demanded that I link to it and expound on it, in whatever pitiful attempt I can make to improve on it. Bob makes a point about Senate arithmetic that I have rarely heard talked about and he discusses it in a way that really brings home an essential point: 60 Democratic Senators is not the same as having 60 Republican Senators.
As everyone knows except liberal leaders, the logic of the Senate currently tilts toward conservatives—toward the GOP. It does so because small rural states get two senators—the same number the giant states get. Sparsely-populated Wyoming gets two. So does over-flowing California.

And uh-oh! At present, small rural states tend to be conservative. This means that the Senate system strongly favors conservatives—and thus the GOP. Under current arrangements, a Republican president with sixty senators would almost inevitably be more powerful than Obama currently is.


To reach the magic number of sixty, Democrats have to elect a bunch of senators f rom red states. On balance, these red-state Democrats are substantially better than the Republicans whom they defeated. But they tend to be more conservative, more corporate-friendly, than their blue-state Democrat counterparts.


George Bush never had sixty senators. Amazingly, Obama does. But if Bush had ever gotten to sixty, it would have been a stronger, purer ideological bloc than the group Obama is working with. Obama’s sixty includes a whole batch of red state Senate Dems. But then, there is virtually no way for Democrats to elect sixty senators without including a bunch of red-staters. Had the GOP elected sixty under Bush, there would have been fewer blue-staters. This is unfortunate, but it’s just bone-simple Senate logic.

Small state voters have a disproportionate influence over the Senate because their Senators have a higher Senator-to-voter ratio. Small state voters tend to be more conservative than large state voters. Therefore, conservative voters have a disproportionate influence over the Senate.

Progressives need to understand this and absorb it when they criticize the Democratic leadership in the Senate for not using their 60 votes in the same way Republicans would use them. The truth is that the 60 vote Democratic majority is NOT a 60 vote progressive majority. It's probably not even a 50 vote progressive majority.

Activists should also consider what this means when it comes to increasing the power of progressive causes in the Senate: in order to increase that power, you have to make the small states more progressive. This means you need to swing red states blue not just in their representatives but also in their voter attitudes. You need to win the heats and minds of people living in Montana, Wyoming, Kentucky, Mississippi, Alabama, etc. You can't just write them off ass small town yokels. If you do, you are shooting yourself in the foot.

Political movements triumph when they come from the smaller states. That is the real battleground of ideas.