Friday, February 06, 2004

Google News Democratic Primary Poll for 2/6/2004

  This Week (2/6) Last Week (1/30)
1 Howard Dean 22800 25.3% +3.1 1 19500 22.2%
2 John Kerry 21500 23.9% +4.1 2 17400 19.8%
3 John Edwards 17200 19.1% +0.9 3 16000 18.2%
4 Wesley Clark 13900 15.4% +2.1 4 11700 13.3%
6 Al Sharpton 7630 8.5% +1.5 7 6160 7.0%
7 Dennis Kucinich 7070 7.8% +0.0 6 6910 7.9%

And Joe is outta here! Which, of course, results in another bump of everyone else's shares. With Joe's numbers still included Dean's share stays about the same while Kerry continues to close the gap. Edwards and Clark are still bringing up the rear as also-rans.

Could Dean be out next week? The media still likes to talk about him. But it is all overwhelming dismissive.

The following is a chart of the Google News Media Share over the last few months:

(Methodology: All numbers are taken from the hit counts when searching on the Google News Service for news stories containing each candidate's name. Click on each name to rerun the search. You will get different results as the numbers are constantly changing. I make absolutely no claim that these numbers have any real meaning.)


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