Tuesday, February 25, 2003

Just another thought on the suggestion that anti-war bloggers don't take the threat of terrorism seriously. I think the reason why this comment struck me so wrong is the same reason I find the Bushies approach to foreign policy so offensive: it insults the intelligence and maturity of the people who may have an honest disagreement with you, thus reducing the argument to one of schoolyard taunts instead of reasoned discourse. The Bush administration is attempting to assert that they are the arbiters of what is a "legitimate" response to Saddam Hussein by suggesting that a UN security counsel vote that goes against the US is, by definition, illegitimate. They, quite simply, do not have the right to make that kind of declaration. Similarly, pro-war bloggers do not have to right to assert that the only reason anti-war bloggers are anti-war is because they don't take the threat of Saddam Hussein seriously enough. Of course there are people on both sides who are stupid immature on these matters. But is it really necessary to resort to characterizing all opposing opinion as being sub-par in order to get your own point across? I do not claim to be pure on these matters. I'm sure I've made more then my share of disparaging comments about "the other side". But I have at least tried to make a point of asserting that the arguments of those who favor an invasion of Iraq are not all asinine. Indeed, I have said repeatedly that I could support such an action if presented in the right way and lead by people that I felt I could trust. And that is what really pisses me off about this whole situation. I feel that I have no choice but to oppose the Bush administrations drive for war because I am convinced that it will produce a far more dangerous world than we already live in. But, at the same time, I know that by opposing this action I probably set back by years, if not decades, the cause to resolve Iraq question once and for all. In other words, I am in the unenviable position of making an argument that does provide comfort to Saddam Hussein even if that is not the intent with which it is given. And I blame that awful fact entirely on the ineptitude, lies, and corruption of the present administration. Anyway, I hope that "the other side" can see that the choice to be opposed to this war is not an easy one for many of us. But it is a course that many of us see as being unavoidable precisely because we take the threat of terrorism so seriously. Interesting times indeed.


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