Friday, January 17, 2003

Here's a blast from the past.
The Attack of the Wolves The Matt Drudge & MataHariette Story January 15, 2003
On June 5, 2000, Matt Drudge in his cybercolumn The Drudge Report attacked writer John Connolly and a book he was writing for Talk Books with the working title, The Insane Clown Posse. Drudge boasted that he had somehow obtained a copy of the whole manuscript and went on to accuse the book as an attack on the sexual lives of a number of the folks involved in the events leading up to the Impeachment of then President William Jefferson Clinton.
Drudge pressed the attack for the duration of the week and the chorus was soon joined by Right -wing Conservative writer Ann Coulter and a host of other Starr supporters. Four days later, on June 9, Talk Books killed the book deal. Not long afterward, Connolly sued a woman named Hariette Surovell, a sometime writer from Manhattan, who Connolly charged had bartered parts of his manuscript to Drudge. A copy of the lawsuit follows this story.
We have obtained documents and other material that make it clear why Drudge and his right-wing pals wanted Connolly's book to never see the light of day. There is information in that book that proves that the people who went after President Clinton, and it could well be argued that he did deserve what he got, were as bad or worse as Clinton when it came to honesty and integrity. The book also raises very serious questions which go the very heart of Watergate Prosecutor Kenneth Starr's sworn testimony as to how he learned of Linda Tripp's tape recordings of Monica Lewinsky. We have also learned that the supposed "Right-wing conspiracy" theory espoused by Senator Hillary Clinton may or may not have been a reality, but they certainly circled the wagons and went on a jihad to stop Connolly's book.
The story contains links to all sorts of court documents from a lawsuit by John Connolly against the woman who allegedly leaked the book to Drudge. There are several emails where you can see the way the elves operate. Just as an example:
In July, when Surovell was served with the lawsuit, she E-mailed Drudge begging him to help her. She desperately wanted Drudge to get her a lawyer. He responds that he has contacted Ann Coulter and Richard Porter to either represent her, or recommend someone who will. Eventually Drudge E-mails Surovel, "Attorney Mark Smith of Manhattan will handle the case. He writes, "He (Smith) would consider doing a scorched earth on Connolly, etc...Keep me updated. This is the Coulter pal. I am now trying the others."


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