Monday, December 16, 2002

Mark Crispin Miller has a new commentary up at Buzzflash in which he puts his analytical skills to work on Bush's comment to Barbara Walters about being the one who has to hug the families of dead soldiers:
Big Hug ... Not only does the president believe himself to be "the only person" who decides to take this nation into war -- a view at odds with what our Constitution has to say -- but he's claimed as well to be "the only ... person who hugs the mothers and the widows, the wives and the kids on the death of their loved ones." Does Bush actually believe that he's "the only person" who can comfort the bereaved? ("Others hug," he added quickly, but too late.) Whether or not he does, the remark betrays a blinkered view of what it's like in time of war, when many folks lose "loved ones" every day -- far too many for a president to hug with safety.
As Mark has so ably demonstrated in the past, everything that Bush does is ultimately about himself. Indeed, his comment to Walters seems to hilight more the tough time that he, Bush, will have doing the hugging then the grief that the families of soldiers will suffer in fighting "his" war. "Hey,. I care. If I didn't care would I put myself through the hell of having to deal with these crying women?" What compassion!


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