Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Takes one to know one

Bill O'Reilly calls Howard Dean an S.O.B. (courtesy News Hounds)

O’REILLY: “Again, I think you guys are missin’ the big picture here. Let me put it another way, Mary Anne. Howard Dean has alienated many people.” O’Reilly gestures towards himself and after a pause, continues: “Me, alright! Because he’s an obnoxious SOB. With all due respect, he is. He’s obnoxious. Now if he gets the DNC Chair, Dean doesn’t like me. Now, I’m willin’ to listen to him. He’s welcome on the program but I don’t like him. Alright! And I’m skeptical of him and that’s not good, Mary Anne, because I’m a guy with an open mind. I’m not anti-Democrat, as you know, but, if he gets it, I guuuh - ya’ know - Howard Dean! That can’t help! There’s a lot - there’s not a lot of guys like me. But there are enough, there are enough people, who are not gonna like this, that think a new, more neutral guy would help the party.”

Later he said: “One thing I like about Dean is that he is crusty and he is straightforward. What I don’t like about him is he is narrow-minded and vindictive.”

Sounds like an endorsement to me!


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